所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg 1 site design, 6 lndpg, banner

1 site design, 6 lndpg, banner 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lee 接包方 : Zhutianchi 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 55921
项目预算 : ¥2,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Photoshop
发布日期 : 2009-04-09


1.项目需求:The other one should

New campaigns with lepigen x-strong and health guide as a bonus. [obscured] kampanj/001

New campaign sites to both fatburner and ultra with hypnos cd as bonus aswell health guide as an bonus.

[obscured] kampanj/001/
[obscured] kampanj/002/

Make both this display pictures like these ones same size and with same product pictures. In psd file so we can change the text
manually layer. In 001 the video should also be added of Slimcap Ultra.

Finish Slimcap Ultra site English version : [obscured] ultra

BMI weight flash calculator from the specifications before.

Finish Ultra landing page design implenting of video.

New idea of buy queue order flash project.


New html design from the specifications from the word file.

- Word files attached on Swedish. But just follow the layout and colors and make a normal website with the specifications in the word files.

Eventually new campaign offers

- [obscured] kampanj/001 Make an display picture like this in same size and with same product pictures. In psd file so we can change the text
manually layer.

Eventually new campaign offers

- [obscured] kampanj/001
[obscured] kampanj/002

Make both this display pictures like these ones same size and with same product pictures. In psd file so we can change the text
manually layer.
是根据http://www.topills.com/ and http://www.usonlinerx.net/的页面风格设计一个主页,根据Lepigen Slimcap Mybetterlife Halsopost等几个页面做成psd格式的文件,里面的文字buyer会做调整


接包方 国家/地区
Zhutianchi (中标)


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