Graphics Jboss CouchDB Coreldraw Blackberry
Number of Employees: 1 I'm a software developer with more than 15 years of experience developing an maintaining systems for large corporations. In 2005 I developed a Mac ...
SEO Lotus Notes IIS PostgreSQL Logo VI PalmOS&WebOS Symbian Project Management
I am a graphic designer specializing in icon design for software applications, web applications, websites, print, and mobile devices. I have been designing icons for over 8 year...
Asterisk Websphere CouchDB Cartoon Illustrator Blackberry Symbian VoIP
Number of Employees: 1 Over the last six years, I have developed and maintained several Mac applications using mainly Carbon and Cocoa frameworks. I am fascinated with the Ma...
WebLogic Access Jme SEO Asterisk Animation Blackberry Recruiting
I'm an individual developer, turned to freelance after 4 years of working on various sound-processing software for the hydroacoustics research institute in Volgograd, Russia...
Websphere BerkeleyDB Cartoon PalmOS&WebOS Project Management
I'm specialized in developing software for:- Apple's Mac OS X Computers, iPhone and iPod touch - Java systems J2EE and J2SEI can also provide software localization ser...
MS-SQL MySQL C++ PostgreSQL SQLite C Linux Solaris Windows Server FreeBSD
自由开发者,10 年以上开发经验。完成了包括 SIP 软交换系统、电信计费系统等在内的几款产品。参与淘宝网和上海银基联合创建的云计算平台架构设计,并负责实现其中的几个关键组件。曾作为技术顾问参与上海地铁一号线改造工程。<br><br> 主要客户包括:兴业银行(China CIB)、中石油(CNPC)、华安保险(Sinosa...
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