智城识别ID 7782
承接项目数 3
好评率 100%
会员 4级
总收入 ¥ 26500RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL SQL Jme C++ Java Mac OS X SQLite iPhone C SOAP


Screen shot 2010 06 15 at 12.29.25 am

portfolio title (0P)

接近 14 年前上传
Best Photo for iPad

Screen shot 2010 06 15 at 12.28.32 am

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接近 14 年前上传
Traffic Light

Screen shot 2010 04 09 at 2.38.24 pm

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大约 14 年前上传

Screen shot 2010 03 14 at 2.05.55 pm

portfolio title (0P)

大约 14 年前上传
We had uploaded many iphone application to Apple Store, such as iFlashReady, CameraFlash, iTrading etc. A mac os platform application is also been developed. Because the business secret, we ca...