所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg l2j refferal system

l2j refferal system 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Mark thompson 接包方 : Mmonibi 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 109498
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : MySQL PHP
发布日期 : 2010-11-09


Things you need to know before bidding here :
You must know or learn l2j very fast.
Working with php and mysql .

Lineage Referrals System :
There will be a php script , that will integrate the lineage 2 gameplay with a website , the script will need to have a login for every player to login and view his stats or refferal ID .
Script Features :
-Each refereed account will show up in the statistics menu .
-Each account will have further detail on the characters in it :
* Current Level
* Current Class
* Current Adena
Bonus Engine :
From each refereed account there will be some goals to reach like :
* When character created give bonus .
* When character will reach certain level.
* When character gain nobless status
* When character refers another user
Bonuses will consist of certain items that must be inserted into character inventory like :
* Adena , Items, armors, weapons and so on

The script should be highly configurable events and rewards should be configured into a admin page .Examples :
* When refereed account creates a character , referral will get x reward .
* When refereed account's character reaches level 40 , referral will get x reward.

Voting System :
There will be a voting bonus system also , there will be multiple voting sites like http://www.gamesites200.com or others .
The account that votes the server into these top site will get bonuses for this.
There will be special bonuses like :
* voting the server daily will increase his award amount .
* voting the server 10 days in a row will give a special bonus .

For info on how the System will function or any other questions feel free to contact me .


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