所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPphone/Android Game App-Monkey swinging

iPphone/Android Game App-Monkey swinging 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edgar jefferson 接包方 : Ahalim 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 111196
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2011-02-07


Swinging Monkey Game

To create an app that allows the user to “grab” a cartoon monkey by touching the screen and swing the monkey around using “ragdoll” physics.

Supported Platforms:
The app must run on the following platforms:
-Apple iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch
-Android based devices

Source Code:
App source code and all rights to source code must be delivered.

-Background will be provided as image file. You may need to edit it to fit properly to screen.
-Background is fixed (non-scrolling).
-Music will be provided as MP3 file. The music should play in a loop until the game exits.
-Monkey image shall be provided. You will need to create moving joints at the shoulder, elbow, knees and hips.
-Game is 2-dimensional (2D).
-User is allowed to “grab” the monkey by touching the screen at the following grab points: Hands, Feet, Head, and groin.
-User should be able to “spin” the monkey around the center of Monkey’s mass by touching head and groin (two fingers) then twisting fingers.
-Monkey flow and movement shall follow laws of physics and gravity.
-The ground is the bottom of the screen. The edges of the screen are invisible and rise up to infinity.
-Top of screen is fixed, however, Monkey can be thrown up and will disappear until gravity returns it to the visible area of screen.
-Gravity always pulls down toward ground.
-Monkey should never pass thru walls. Rather the monkey will bounce off walls.
-The Box2D physics library (www.box2d.org) must be used unless another open source, platform independent library is approved by us before use.
-Game should rotate as phone orientation changes from landscape to portrait. Background should always fill screen area.
-No scoring is necessary for this revision.

App Startup
1. User starts app
2. Display splash screen with app title, company logo and copyright info. Appropriate splash screen will be provided. Splash screen should appear for minimum of 1 second.
3. Main screen appears with the following menu:
-How to Play
-Music On/Off

Game Start
1. User presses Start from menu
2. Background with monkey is displayed and music starts (if on). The monkey's initial position is spread eagle (arms straight and raised at 45 degrees, same with legs). Slowly move the monkey's hands to attract attention of user and encourage user to grab a hand to start. Once user touches any grab point then physics and gravity are employed.

Game Play
1. User now touches any one or two grab points on monkey and begins to move their finger(s).
2. As user moves finger(s), monkey moves accordingly with laws of physics.
3. If user uses two grab points to stretch monkey beyond limits of movement then one or other grab point is release. Monkey is not allowed to be pulled apart.
4. Monkey's movement speed is controlled by speed of user's fingers and gravity.
5. Use gravity and physics for all monkey movement and contact with walls. Examples: User might swing monkey back and forth, spin monkey, flick monkey against wall, or flick up into air, flip monkey and catch with another grab point, etc.

Game Menu / pause
User can double-tap the screen to bring up the menu and pauses play


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