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Mobile App Developer 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Herbert martin 接包方 : Mediamatics 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 111309
项目预算 : $100-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Android
发布日期 : 2011-02-14


I am looking for a Freelance Developer with the possibility of leading to additional work and projects within our company. As a R&D company we have portfolio of projects ranging from robotics, to biomimetics. This current project involves developing a mobile app (eventually for multiple platforms but starting with Android) which will be the focus of a cognitive study and possible corporate contracting. Ideally we would like to analyze the specific facets of cognition and observe for any alterations.

I am a Neurophysiologist who is just now taking Object Oriented Programming I. That being said I am unsure of the timeline and intensity of a project of this nature. The app will be similar to most Intelligence Tests but I have story-boarded unique questions and combinations to generate a profile of one's cognitive ability. Some of these tests involve both visual and audio cues. This seems simple enough but the difficulty comes into the statistical analysis and data compiling this project requires. I can go into more details in confidence as I can't disclose professional partnerships at this time.

As for the timeline of this project we are hoping to have a beta version of this application by sometime in May. We would than perform some early results and correlation experiments. Come the end of June and July we would like to incorporate some statistical analysis aspects to help in the question/difficulty selection process. This would be added to another release for August in which we would perform a 3-6 mos. clinical study. Further revisions and updates would be needed throughout this process and a larger overhauling coming early 2012. For the purposes of this proposal I am seeking bids on getting the app into beta form for use in May and then revisions for the rest of the summer. I will enter a second contract and project for the remainder of development.

As I am located in Maryland I am looking for someone who will be able to work individually and make themselves available through Skype, Google Chat, email, text, phone, carrier pigeon...

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jeff Weitz


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