所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg movio extend

movio extend 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lee 接包方 : Hhyyy9 状态 :项目验收中
项目编号 : 72691
项目预算 : ¥1,500
开发周期 : 10 天
技能 : iPhone
发布日期 : 2009-06-18


we had to solve our server issues - and do some further tests regarding the upload process. See some more details on this further on.

And I have one new job for your. Since the launch of new new iPhone 3GS is coming close, we would like to create an extra app, just for this generation. All it should do is to let the user choose one existing video from the library and upload it to or server. You can reuse a lot of stuff and knowledge you already gained on the last app, regarding our API.

I will create a full spec today and would like to award you this project immediately. Will you be able to handle that, within the next days?

Than, regarding our extisting on:

Plese change the domain pic.sc to mov.io.
We replaced it in the App, but it seems that it is right, what we noticed last week. There are no pictures in the post requests. THe $_FILE Var is empty. But there was a bug in the API that it gaves back "ok" in the error case too. This bug is now fixed.
We extended the log file. We are dumping the content of $_FILES, $_POST and $_GET to the logfile (http://mov.io/picsc_test_api/upload.log)

Please see attached .txt document for further info (no xhtml is allowed in this window).

We still have some problems with the upload over cellphone network. But WIFI is working.

But there are still the following very things missing:
- streamid, API need it to understand which pictures are belonging together and which message is part of the photostream. Please set the streamid post variable to a quite long random id. For each set of pictures and the regarding text message the same id.

- the text is not included in the settext call. This is what I see in the log (http://pic.sc/picsc_test_api/upload.log). Please fill the txtmsg post varaible with the text which the user entered.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><picsc_response> <status>
<resultstring>text received</resultstring>
[password] => test123
[username] => iphone
[framerate] =>
[debug] => 1
[mode] => settext

kindly ask you, to add these missing elements in the 3G version of the app - and start to work on the new 3GS version, since you will use the same API.

Than, on another note: Tonight the 3.0 Software was released - and guess what: Our 3G Application is not working. Do we need to switch to XCode 3.0 and recompile? Did you test that, might it work?


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Hhyyy9 (中标)


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