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Working with Twitter Lists through the API 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sharon williams 接包方 : Mariek 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 91115
项目预算 : 多于$100
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access XML
发布日期 : 2009-11-03


This program is designed to pull the new List data from the Twitter service using their API. Given a User ID, I want to get the lists they are on and/or the lists they have created.

I have a sample MS Access DB with code that does the basics, there are some more advanced issues, esp. cursoring  through large lists that you will be responsible for developing.

The API call returns full info on the list and the user who created/is following that list. I want this full info stored in an access table.

The program will loop through a table of values (Twitter names) and get the list info. Table is names "processing list" in the example and the sample code does this.

One significant issue the sample code does not deal with "cursoring" of lists - where number of lists is to large to be returned all at once. The Twitter API annoucement list has details on this and other topics regarding lists:

Basically there are three options for operation, based on this screen:

1) Get "Lists following you" - including the list info and info on the user that put the list together - this is all returned in xml which will need parsed and put into access tables.

2) Get "Lists you follow" - same style of information returned.

3) Do both

One significant issue, you need to watch the API rate limit that Twitter has in place (150 calls per hour).

I do have a fairly full featured Excel program working as well that uses this for processing other Twitter info that I can share if you are interested.

Let me know of additional questions


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