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Extend Django Authentication system to export Information 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lucy davis 接包方 : Globalimpact 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 91342
项目预算 : 多于$100
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2009-11-07


Extend, Modify or clone the Django authentication system to

* export user data a) to LDAP and b) to Google Apps (see http://code.google.com/intl/de/apis/apps/gdata_provisioning_api_v2.0_reference.html#) Data should be exported on save/create of any record.

* use CouchDB instead of an SQL Database to store User Account information. The user's E-Mail-Address shoule be used in the "username" field, so user's dont have to remembern an additional username.

* Provide a simple application to change/reset Password (this can reuse 99% Django code)

* Provide a require_login decorator which checks if the user is already logged in and if not displays a login form. (You again can reuse a lot of django code for that.) The user should NOT be asked for his username but for his E-Mail Address instead.

During development we can NOT give you access to a Google Apps account for testing - you have to get one yourself.


* New User Model compatible with Djangos Uder Model

* Application where an Admin can create and delete user (might use the Djaongo admin interface)

* Application where Users can change ther Passwort or reset ther password.

* Password reset should be implemented by emailing the user a one time link valid for 48 h which when followd allows the user to set a new password. When the Password has been changed, rend an informational email about the fact. The technique is described at http://is.gd/4OfsH and called "Weak Technique C – Emailing instructions on how to reset password" (yes I want you to implement a "weak" techmique

* Sample of the login_required decorator


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