所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg penny auction 531

penny auction 531 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Clarkson 接包方 : Gripwire 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 91556
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Testing
发布日期 : 2009-11-11


The script must be 100% bug free. A full working demo is needed for me to test before I make my payment. Upon completion of the project and testing by us, it is agreed that we own the script and make it secure from hacking. Bidcactus is the best model to follow.

We need the auction platform that includes everything from bidding process to registration,buying bids,referrals,newsletters and auto-bidder with the ability to the it on and off. We really want someone that can not only do this project for us but to keep up the maintanance on this sight. To check program and make sure there are no problems at least once a month. I also have a few more projects coming up in the next few months.


- user registration and account verification

-buying bid packages

-the ability for users to get free bids for registering

general pages such as terms and conditions and a help section which I can edit. Add my own pages as well.

-the ability for members to login and update their account,purchase more bids and pay for the auctions they have won.

-payment gateways needed for paypal.

- the ability to give users free bids

- the ability to add,edit and delete articles on the latest news page.

-view the winning bidder and update the status of the auction-e.g. pending , running , ended and completed.

-view the users bidding history and purchase bid packages.

-manage the website content such as desription of product and product.

-view referrals from users

-edit general website settings including turning on and off various features with a click of a button.

- the time increase should be 20 seconds everytime a bid is placed.

voucher function with adding bids to winners account automatically.

Content managemant system (cms)Platform

-add,edit,delete and clone auctions

-use macros to start,stop and publish auctions

-set the bidding packages and price to buy bids.

-ability to set the # of wins allowed per user per day and month

ability to limit the number of live autions and number of featured auctions which show prominently

- the site should be able to handle thousands of people a day.

we may add additional features later so make the code such that additional modules can be added on later.


接包方 国家/地区
Gripwire (中标)


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