所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Autoresponder Clone 3

Autoresponder Clone 3 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Herbert martin 接包方 : Net4nuts 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 91827
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP Search
发布日期 : 2009-11-18








I would like to have a clone of the following atuoresponder script

located at: http://varpro.com/demo.html

Now, I will not need all of the features. This script is set up so that you can sell the autoresponder service to other people. I will not be selling the service. Instead, I'll be using it for my own personal use. So all the features regarding selling the

autoresponder service should be taking out.

Below are the ONLY features/links I will need:




1) Main

- "Subscriber Stats " on the left and the

- "Last 20 Active Subscribers" in the middle.

2) Autoresponder

- Add Autoresponder

- Delete Autoresponder

- Select Autoresponder

3) Configuration

- Autoresponder From Settings

- Confirmation E-mail Message

- Campaign Setting

- Sign-Up Success Redirect

- Confirmation Required Redirect

Please note that under Item# 3 - Confirmation E-mail Message, the subject field should be added.

Currently the subject field for the system confirmatin email is added from the admin control panel.

4) Form Code

5) Messages

- View/Edit/Add Messages

- Test All Messages

- Delete All Messages

6) Send Mail

- Mail All Subscribers

- E-Mail All Autoresponders

7) Subscribers

- View Active Subscribers

- View Pending Subscribers

- View Deleted Subscribers

- View Bounces

- Add Single Subscriber

- Import By CSV

- Import By Form

- Search Subscribers

- Reset All Subscribers

8) Stats/Tracking

- Add/Edit/Manage Tracking Links

* Enter a short description for this tracking link:

* Enter the URL that someone gets sent to when they click your tracking link:

9) Account

10) Help

- Help Files

11) Logout




12) Manage System Settings

- Admin From Name and E-Mail (You can take this out since I will not be selling the autoresponder service. This info will be set in the member's area)

- Set Up Account Types: This allows you to set the parameters of an account type

- Edit/Delete Account Types: This allows you to edit or delete the account type

- Spam Message Unsubscribe: This is where you set up the Spam message that gets displayed on the unsubscribe page.

- Set Unsubscribe Link Text: (This will be text for the unsubscribe link. It should say: "To be removed from our mailing list, please click on the link below.

The Unsubscribe link should be placed in the bottom of all messages except the Confirmation email).

Once a subscriber clicks on the link, the script will delete him them from the system and add his email address to the Master Ban list.

Any email addresses on the Master Ban list, will NOT be allowed to sign up to the system and the system will never send emails to that email address. This is to prevent Spam issues.

- Set Max Emails P.er H.our (this controls how many

emails the entire system is allowed to send p.er h.our.): (Most webhost will only allow you to send x amount of emails p.er h.our. This number will represent the number of emails the system will send out p.er h.our)

13 Manage System Subscribers

- List System Bounces

- List Pending Subscribers

- Search Subscribers

- Delete Subscriber From System (When I click on this link, the subscriber will be immediately deleted from the system)

- Delete and Ban Subscribers

- List and Manage Banned Subscribers

14) Manage System Accounts

- Add An Account

- Delete An Account

- Edit An Account

- List Accounts by Account Type

- Search Accounts

15) Manage System Autoresponders

- List Active Autoresponders

- Suspend/Activate An Autoresponder (You can take this out. All autoresponders/campaigns that I add will automatically be Active)

16) Manage Database

- Optimize Tables

- Clean Out Bounced E-Mails: (When I click on this link, all Subscribers whose email bounced will be immediately deleted from the system.)

- Clean Out Pending Subs: (When I click on this link, all Pending Subscribers will be immediately deleted from the system.)

17 Change Admin User and Pass

- Change Admin Password

18) Just for your info, here is an overview of how the autoresponder system should work:

- When a visitor enters his name and email address into the lead capture form at http://www.thetop5businessopportunities.com/lcp.html

and clicks the subscribe button (NOTE: When the visitors clicks on the subscribe button, he should be re-directed to

the following landing page http://www.thetop5businessopportunities.com/lead1.html and this landing page should open in a new window),

the system then adds him to the database as "Pending". The system then send him the confirmation email.

- If the email address the visitor enters into the lead capture form is already in the database or if he leave one of the fields blank or forgets to put the "AT" sign in his email address, the script should redirect him to the following page:

http://www.thetop5businessopportunities.com/leaderror.html with the following error messages:

** If the email address is already in the database, the error message should be: "Sorry that email address is already in the database. Please use a different email address."

** If the email address is banned, the error message should be: "Sorry that email address is banned. Please use a different email address."

** If he leaves one of the fields blank, the error message should be: "Sorry, all fields must be filled in."

** If he leaves out the "AT" sign in his email address, the error message should be: "Sorry, that email address in invalid."

** If the email address is on the Ban List, the error message should be: "Sorry, that email address in banned. Please use a different email address or contact admin to have that email address removed from the Ban List."

- Once the visitors click on the validation link inside of the Confirmation email, the system changes his status

in the database to "Active", redirects him to the following page http://www.thetop5businessopportunities.com/lead2.html

and immediately sends him Message# 1.

Starting with message# 2, each message will have "Message Delay(Days Sent From Last Message)" This will be a number

which tells the system how many days to wait before sending the subscribe the next message.

For example, let's say that Message# 1 was sent to the subscriber on the 1 Oct and I had Message# 2 "Message Delay(Days Sent From Last Message)" set to 5. This means that the system will automatically send Message# 2 on 6 Oct., Five days after it sent Message# 1.

If I had Message# 3 "Message Delay(Days Sent From Last Message)" set to 7, This means that the system will send Message# 3 on 13 Oct., seven days after it sent Message# 2 and so on..

Please note that the Unsubscribe link should be automaticallly inserted at the bottom of all email messages except the Confirmation email. I will enter the Unsubscribe Text from the admin control panel under "- Set Unsubscribe Link Text " Also, when a subscriber clicks on the Unsubscribe link, he should be taken to a page with the following message: "[FIRSTNAME], you have successfully Unsubscribed from our mailing list. Your email address [EMAIL] has been removed from our list and you will not receive anymore emails from our system"

19) Also, you will need to set a cron job in order to get the messages sent as scheduled. According to my webhost, the following path is used to run a php file using cron jobs on my account: /usr/bin/php -q /home/myguaran/public_html/PathToFile > /dev/null

"PathToFile" is the file name or the rest of the path to the file.

I will need the cron job to run every 5 minutes and the output sent to a special "black hole" file NOT an email address or the cron log. So the settings should look something like this:

*/5**** /usr/bin/php -q /home/myguaran/public_html/PathToFile > /dev/null


*/5**** /ramdisk/bin/php5 -q /home/myguaran/public_html/thetop5businessopportunities/dcauto/sendmails.php

20) This script is designed to sell the autoresponder service to others. I will not be selling this service to others, so below are the only fields I will need:

- Account types name

(can be anything):

- A short description:

- Accounts Max autoresponders allowed: These are the number of campaigns. (This will be set to Unlimited)

- Max messages allowed per responder: These are the number of messages in a campaign. (This will be set to Unlimited)

- Max leads allowed per responder: This is the number of subscribers in a campaign. (This will be set to Unlimited)

- Max tracking links per autoresponder: This is the number of url in a campaign that you can track. (This will be set to Unlimited)

- Allow autoresponders to import(Y or N): This allow you to import leads into a campaign/aturesponder. (This will be set to Yes)

- Max number of leads allowed

to be imported per day: The number of leads you can import into a campaign each day. (This will be set to Unlimited)

- Allow autoresponders to

do a mail all(Y or N): This allows you to email all members in a campaign. (This will be set to Yes)

- Allow autoresponders to

schedule mailings(Y or N): This allows you to schedule a specific date that you will want to email all subscribers in a campaign/autoresponder. (This will be set to Yes)


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