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Wordpress Plugin PHP video 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Marcus lee 接包方 : Javasuccess 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 92259
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2009-12-01


I want to take over this now defunct wordpress plugin that let users embed flash or flv into wordpress easily, via a syntax of

[flash someFile.someextion]

It's a relatively simple wordpress plugin. The latest is here.



1) I have an older version that I modified to pass flash vars escaped correctly, I need the two merged, this is like a 1 line change.

2) recongize the file extentions of f4v and mp4 to route to the flowplayer, right now it only recognizes the extention flv. e.g.

[flash someurl.flv w=500 h=450] loads up a video player

[flash someurl.f4v w=500 h=450] needs to be added

[flash someurl.mp4 w=500 h=450] needs to be added

3) Have switch over to the FlowPlayer instead of Jeron Wings when dealing with those videos

http://flowplayer.org/blog/46 using

4) upgrade to the latest version of SWFObject if it isn't already, a) modify the admin panel so that this SWFObject can be added to the head of the document (so that all flash widgets on a page can use it)

4b) this URL for SWFObject can be from a CDN rather than relative to the wordpress install,

4c) that the URL for the FlowPlayer can be from a CDN rather than a relative path to the wordpress install.

5) add a new mp3 so that when [flash someurl.mp3 or somerul.aac] it loads up an mp3 player for that instead


接包方 国家/地区
Javasuccess (中标)


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