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Facebook Connect Implementation 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Joseph edwards 接包方 : Amitlogicnext 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 92918
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Facebook PHP
发布日期 : 2009-11-28


Facebook Connect Implementation


We are super short resourced right now but have a project we must do!  We need a mid-senior level developer to implement Facebook Connect functionality into our consumer web application. 

We require the following:
Sing on with Facebook Credentials
4 activities on our site to result in posting said activity to the sign-in facebook users wall. 

    * Facebook Connect "sign" on dreambank's web site http://www.dreambank.org , that enables you to login to DB without the need for creating a DB account, simply by leveraging your pre-existing FB account credential,

    * When somebody actually first "connects" through the FB interface on DB, their FB wall will get updated
    * When they post a dream on DB, their FB wall gets updated
    * When a contribution to their dream is made, their (the creator of the dream) FB wall gets updated.
    * When their dream is fulfilled, their (the creator of the dream) FB wall gets updated.

We had another source to help us with this that just fell through and we need to implement in time or a campaign we are launching for our busy time-- the Holidays, therefore  the project will need to be complete by Dec 6th, 2009. --Basically 2 weeks. 

IF you've integrated Facebook Connect before this should be roughly 3 days work, though we realize there are sometimes details that change that but general scope is small. 3-5 days. 

We have a fixed fee for the job of $600 US 

Please feel free to send me other questions. 



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Amitlogicnext (中标)


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