所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Gorillas: Port to Android of old MS-DOS Qbasic ...

Gorillas: Port to Android of old MS-DOS Qbasic game: gorilla 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lisa stevens 接包方 : Sdenhartog 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97718
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-24


I would like to have an Android version of the old game Gorillas from MS-DOS 5.0 days.

The features are:
- turn based game, with 2 human players / 1 human 1 computer player
- the players are two gorillas placed in a city landscape (2D, sky scrappers)
- the landscape is changeable: city, mountains
- the players control the angle and the velocity of the banana by means of graphical elements (not text input)

For a demo of the original application:

I can give more technical advise for the implementation of the game.

Budget: 250 USD
Time: 2 weeks

Additional information submitted:

02/23/2010 at 12:20 EST:

Gorillas game

Purpose of the game
One-to-one, turn based fight between 2 characters (2 gorillas).
They throw bananas at each other. The bananas are thrown with a certain angle and speed. The trajectory obeys the standard physics.
The bananas produce "damage" where they land. If the gorilla is touched then it dies. Game end.

The game is played against a human opponent. They "pass the phone".
Each start, the position and the dimensions of the buildings will be different. This will create the impression of a different "level"

The background is changeable. It will have 2 backgrounds in the first version.
- city environment
- mountains

Android implementation details
1. Graphics, general approach
I would suggest using several views on top of each other:
- one background black view
- on top, two other views: the sky, and the land. (blue, black). The 2 views should cover the complete black background.
- The graphics needed:
- one building, one gorilla, one explosion (black circle, cloud), one banana

Usage of graphics:
- the building will have several versions with different colors.
The building will be transformed with Android transforms: size, dimensions
Several copies of the buildings will be placed randomly (each in its own view).
- the gorilla also will be transformed (size?) and then placed randomly on a building.

2. Program split

The program will use a MVC (model view controller) approach.
It will have graphic classes and logic classes.

A class will be responsible with building the background:
- creates and places views with sky, land, buildings (transformed),...
A class (or more) will hold the game logic:
- has the method shot() with speed, angle, start object (contains gorilla view reference)
- computes the trajectory
- rotates the banana (starts animation) and signals to the main thread the position of the banana during the flight
- the main thread changes the position of the banana view accordingly
- at the end of trajectory an explosion view will be placed on top, obscuring some of the environment

A class will hold the graphical controls for angle and speed
- a sliding bar for speed and another one for angle
- a button for shot()

4. Application screens
One main screen, with the actual game.
No other screens are needed for this version.

5. The support for other environments
The support will be chosen at compile time / static cfg.
The class that paints the backround will be reimplemented for this purpose.
That means: there will be a base class for "backgroundBuilder" and 2 derived classes, with different implemntations.

Done for now.


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