智城识别ID 12415
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Jme Java UI Design Android


接近 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥8,000-¥10,000

Wutu Android Client (物徒android客户端)

(En) Wutu website is a property sales website,it aims to promote its culture and products. Wutu android client developed through the interface that provided by Wutu.And show all kinds of relevant information, and all product information on the android client application.
The project use the asynchronous image loading, and optimize the appropriate images. Makes the images loading faster, more personalized user experience.
