智城识别ID 1513
承接项目数 20
好评率 93%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 2660RMB
保证金 0 RMB

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ABZ Consulting is a privately-held global corporation headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. We are a global service provider with a diversified management and product services portfolio. Having grown organically, consolidating more than a decade of real world experience with products and technologies, ABZ Consulting is today recognized as one of the fastest growing information technology consulting and services firms in the Southeast. We have grown by providing world-class IT consulting services and solutions to Fortune 1000 customers.Quality is the nerve center of all thought and action at ABZ Consulting. We view Quality as a cultural trait and takes great effort to make it our way of life. The impeccable customer retention record ABZ Consulting has enjoyed over the years is the result of ABZ Consulting's commitment to Quality.ABZ Consulting also offers an operational offshore development center in Bangalore, India to boast the best of technological talent spun into the most efficient modes of delivery.

