智城识别ID 2152
承接项目数 2
好评率 50%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 3500RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Mac OS X iPhone C


Mzi.rubhplrd.175x175 75
接近 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 月
项目报价 : ¥5,000-¥8,000


MatchMonstersHD is a card, memory-matching game with MONSTERS! Built specifically for the iPad, the game offers 1-player and 2-player modes, including an exciting 2-player head-to-head mode. And if you reach score thresholds in 1-player mode, you release new monsters! With colorful graphics of monsters and fun sound effects, you can enjoy hours of entertainment with MatchMonstersHD.FEATURES:- 1-player and 2-player modes.- Three difficulty levels in each player-mode.- Beautiful and colorful graphics of each monster.- Fun monster sound effects on card turns to help with memory imprinting.- 15 monsters in base-level mode, with 10 additional monsters released when score thresholds are reached.- 1-player Top-10 Scores board.- Two different 2-player modes: single board back-and-forth, and the exciting double-board head-to-head!For a full list of MatchMonstersHD credits, please visit our website.This updated version includes the following --1. Two new MONSTERS -- Kraken and The Devil!2. Kraken gets released when a score threshold is reached with the fun saying, "Release the Kraken!". This adds an additional level to the game.3. Increased the volume on the voice-over narrations.We hope you enjoy it and please rate our apps and give us comments.