智城识别ID 13014
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拥有技能 OsCommerce MySQL SQL Photoshop Facebook SEO PHP Apache IIS Firework


接近 14 年前上传

portfolio title

www.inmofolio.com is a real estate website whih deals with all the real estate related aspects.

It is a complete real estate website with the very important features like cash flow management,calculators,analytics and graphs relate with the real estates.

The important features includes


Manage Your Property At A Glance

Section potfolio can view the status of your property, the profitability that is providing the rental received, the value of your property, your mortgage. Will the remote control of your investment in a single screen.


A Control Panel Vital Information

Since this section will have all the information about your property. If you have multiple properties you can change and easily see information for each property.

In this section you can see information such as address, mortgage payments, rent, etc. It is also possible from this section to manage the images of their properties.


Management Contacts

In this section you can easily manage all your contacts related to their properties, you can also export to PDF for later printing if desired.

If you have multiple properties, you can add shared contacts, these will appear in all the properties it manages.


Manage Your Reminders

We make it easy to create reminders when for example, pay their insurance. Gestin may also turn all reminders already expired.

It also has the ability to send reminders to your email address for your convenience.


Cashflow Management Cash Flow

In this section you can easily manage your cash flow (income and expenses), at any time you see the balance of play dates.

You can also easily manage recurring cash flow, for example, if you have a fixed income of the same amount each month, as is the case of a rent, enter only once, the system will automatically add it until you decides to stop it.


Chart Analysis

In this section you can see graphically the state of affairs of their cash flow. You can also view the same data in numerical form.


Rentals Management

In this section you can manage your properties in an easy and simple and with a couple of clicks.

Manage your rent weekly, monthly or annually.


Management Contracts

In this section you can manage all the details of your Lease contracts to always have on hand and available at any lufar with internet access.


Mortgage Management

Have your mortgage information at hand.


Insurance Management

Manage all your property insurance and always have your policy number and data wherever you are.