智城识别ID 1692
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Photoshop UI Design VI Android iPhone iPad


Mzi.hfgqidwd.175x175 75
接近 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 3 月
项目报价 : ¥30,000-¥35,000

Colorful Aquarium for iPad

Colorful Aquarium is an app, which can make your iPad into a fully customized aquarium, beautifully realistic images and lovely fish will make you relax and pleasure.FEATURES:- Feeding: You can feed the fish with food;- Moss: Moss growing over time, you can use the clean function in tools menu to clean the moss, also you can turn off it in settings;- Sand Replacement: Now you can choose in blue granules and wite sand;- Flexible bubbles: You can set the number of bubbles;- Knock the aquarium: You can click at the screen anyplace to Scare away the fish;-----------------------------------------------Usage: Add fish: Slide from bottom to top in the screen to open the fish menu;Drag the fish you want to add into the aquarium;You can add one fish many times, the size of each will be different;You can click the undo button on the right to undo the last operation;In order to make the screen more smoothly, each fish has a maximum limit;Slide a short distance down to close the fish menu.Custom props: Slide from top to bottom in the screen to open the items menu;Drag the props you want to add into the aquarium;When you release the props, you can adjust the location with the accelerometer, click any other place to make it fixed;Each prop has a random shape and size, if you do not satisfied with it, you also can click the undo button on the right to undo the last operation;After several times addition and adjustment, a customized aquarium will be placed in front of you;Slide a short distance up to close the items menu;Custom props: Paddling down the screen to turn on items menu;Paddling the props you want into the aquarium;Each prop has a random shape and size, if you do not satisfied with it, you also can click the undo button in the right to undo the last operation;After several times addition and adjustment, a customized aquarium will be placed in front of you;Paddling a short distance up the screen to turn off the items menu;Tools menu:Slide from left to right in the screen to open the tools menu;In the menu there are feeding tools, cleaning tools, bubble setting, and sand choice;Feeding tools: Click the feeding tools then you can click anywhere on the screen to the fish feeding, click it again to close this function.Cleaning tools: Moss is growing over time, you can use the clean function in tools menu to clean the moss, also you can turn off it in settings;Bubble setting: You can set the number of bubbles;Sand choice: You can choose in blue granules and wite sand.Setting menu:Slide from right to left in the screen to open the setting menu;In the menu there are setting button, help, empty aquarium, and audio switch.When you exit the process, the aquarium will automatically save the settings. -----------------------------------------------Follow Us On Twitter @colorfulaquafix the bugs result in crash of the app.add midnight mode which will light up the aquarium automatically from 6:00 PM. to 6:00 AM.add spectator mode which permits users to flip the screen to see every angle of the aquarium.add lamp switch which offers the choice for the users to activate midnight/daylight mode manually.  NOW COLORFUL AQUARIUM SUPPORTS 4-DIRECTION VIEW!!!