智城识别ID 42061
承接项目数 1
好评率 100%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 800RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone


Mzm.ucmpzibs.175x175 75
大约 12 年前上传

开发周期 : 3 月
项目报价 : ¥80,000-¥90,000

Kill Boss

The game integrates art design in fresh Japanese and South Korean anime style with six theme levels allowing you to shuttle through familiar scenes in life such as campus, large stalls and KTV and so on. Players can attack enemies who are the most hateful in actual facts like abominable charter parties, inglorious boss and agencies and so on with beer bottle, Sanlu Branded milk powder and refrigerators and the like.The background is about apartment purchase experience of an undergraduate who just graduated from university. In the game, a player would fight against agency for a place to sleep, battle with charter parties during house renting, then struggle with estate sales lady to buy before buying apartment and finally game with boss of an estate company while contend with 72 tenants in the course. The final level is to purchase the apartment successfully.