智城识别ID 72078
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB






Yes InfoCorp是软件和IT服务供应商,提供企业网站开发,电子商务平台建设,移动端APP开发,专长于CMS,ERP,database等方面的解决方案提供,公司始终以最具竞争力的价格提供最优质的服务。

Yes Infocorp design's innovative business strategies to achieve company goals; establish management systems to sustain performance excellence; create and manage marketing strategies to capture or increase market share and systemize processes using reliable technology platform.

We as a solution provider have years of experience providing client an extensive technological solution by simplifying the IT enabled processes and using power of open source and APIs. We have more than 6 years of experience and expertise in various domains and industries. Our main motto is to exceed customer expectations at affordable prices.

The most important aspect of opensource is that we get regular updates and enhancements developed by the developer´s community without any cost and we have an experience and expertise to implement those without loosing security as well as keeping pace with the latest technologies and tools.
Advantages of Open sources are :

• Large development community support
• Regular enhancements to keep with technological changes
• Excellent security framework
• Low devepment costs


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