智城识别ID 85411
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 WebLogic MySQL Websphere Animation Android iPhone Linux Windows Server Phone Gap


Video conference system
接近 8 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 月
项目报价 : ¥80,000-¥90,000

Web RTC & SIP UA Conference

1. Resume

Web integrated video application that allows people at different locations to organize and join in online video. System allows each user to discuss with each others. The system will use modern peer to peer or client-server protocol for data transmission. It will be integrated in the website.

In general HTML5 video Chat/Conference app is a public web-based software implemented P2P private communication and File hangout/sharing, Presentation/Screen sharing, multi-multi broadcasting and so on.

This video conference system is so written in only HTML5+Javascript+nodeMysql, that seldom need a server-side script as PHP. Therefore in all of the site it work in the normal unless a written site’s script language.
It is main key of this production. That feature is more important for further development including mobile and ipad independent with OS and Server script language due to in recent years HTML5 support browsers are released a lot.,
Nevertheless, to implement more advantage of the different site seems to must use server-side dynamic script and database.
By the way, all of the servers are either on one host or on several one.

2. Program features

- Mutipoint/Mutiview management
- End-to-end encryption
- File hangout/share (public and private)
- Instant message (public and private)
- Chat history save (html format) and clear
- Video record (webm format)
- Video capture (png format)
- Audio record (wav format)
- Access adjustment (record, capture…)
- Other implement : Bootstrap, StunJS, SIP

Video conference system
Video Conference